ok, so this morning, upon checking my email, I saw that my applications status for the Peace Corps had been updated. After clicking the link and logging in, I found that I have now officially been invited to serve as a Peace Corps volunteer!!! After calling the placement office and begging for additional info (they refuse to tell you the country/departure date/etc until you get the packet in the mail), the woman told me that I’d be leaving June 22 and I’d be serving in Central/South America.
Now, due to my extensive stalking of the Peace Corps wiki, I know that the only country leaving on that date and within that region would be Honduras.
i have mixed feelings about this. i know this is probably going to sound selfish and horrible, but i’ve already been to Honduras. and granted, i went to like 2 cities, but i guess a small part of me was so excited to join the Peace Corps and serve in a country that was completely foreign to me, a place that was exotic and new. and Honduras just seems kind of tame.
and then the much saner, more optimistic part of me shouts “DUDE, you’re going to be there for two years and there’s no way that anything on earth can prepare you for that. do you really think that your onetime, 8 day trip showed you everything??”.
i think that if i was really honest with myself, this is about pride. I wanted to be able to brag to my friends that i was going to a place off the map, a place that they had never heard of. and really, i need to get over it and be thrilled for the chance to serve wherever the heck I’m needed. so come june 22, i’ll be boarding a plane, gearing up for the next big adventure. i’m unbelievably excited.
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